© 2023 Capital Radiology
Pretoria MR Trust Terms and Conditions

Please ask us, at the practice if you, the patient, do not understand any of the clauses below.
Fees are set according to the following principles:
This Practice bills according to a billing policy.
The terms and tariffs applicable to medical scheme patients vary from scheme to scheme, and even from option to option (plan to plan). You must obtain those details from your scheme. Our fees cover your Practice visit (i.e. the consultation) and any equipment or medicines used in the consultation.
Our fees exclude the costs of your visit to your referring healthcare practitioner, the hospital (admission, ward, theatre, and other fees), anesthetists, pathologists (for blood tests) and therapists involved in your care. Please discuss their fees with them.
Please note that the cost of healthcare sometimes is dependent on how your body reacts to procedures and scans. Contrast media injection might be necessary to fully diagnose specific conditions, this will be decided by the referring practitioner in consultation with the radiologist. The law allows us to step in to save your life, or to prevent or reduce harm to you. We will charge for the cost of this.
All Medical fund patient accounts submitted via REALTIME claiming, any short payments must be settled after consultation. If you have not received an account from us, please let the practice know immediately.
All Medical fund patient accounts submitted REALTIME after services or any short payments, must be settled after consultation. If you have not received an account from us within 30 days, please let the Practice know immediately.
By choosing the Practice, you –
Consent to us submitting the account to your medical scheme. This does not mean that the scheme has received the account or that they accept liability. Please confirm that with them.
If you do not want any particular account to be submitted to your medical scheme, please let us know before the start of the procedure, and settle the account in full before you leave the practice, otherwise the provisions of 4 will apply (i.e. we will submit to the scheme)
Confirm that the membership (principal member and beneficiary) is valid at the date of healthcare delivery.
Any person over the age of 18, remains personally and fully liable to settle the full account, irrespective of whether your scheme granted pre-authorisation, pay in full, or not. This also applies if you are a dependent on someone else’s medical scheme. Should the medical scheme pay a portion of the cost of the services provided the main member will be held liable for the difference.
If your account is not paid after 90 calendar days, we will give, in terms of the National Credit Act, notice of 20 working days and if you fail to settle the account within 10 days, we will undertake debt collection processes. This may result in you having a bad credit record.
If you feel that your medical scheme should have paid in full, you can lay a complaint at the Council for Medical Schemes by fax: (012) 431-0608 or at this email address: complaints@medicalschemes.com.
Please note all IOD (Injury on duty) related claims must be paid in full after the exam. Please claim directly from Compensation Commissioner.
Although we will do our best to render the services within the allocated time frame, sometimes emergencies or complicated procedures may lead to delayed appointment times. By agreeing to our services, you take note of these exceptions.
We will, if possible, inform you if we run late.
I hereby consent to the practice contacting me using different communication platforms regarding appointments / authorisation and accounts. These platforms may include:
Account queries to be sent to: accounts@caprad.co.za
The practice aims to ensure that all complaints and concerns are addressed appropriately and expeditiously. When something is a concern or problematic, use the practice’s email to address any issue: hr@caprad.co.za The practice urges all persons to use this avenue before taking any action at any external entity.
This document constitutes a contractual agreement by the practice to protect all personal information in confidence.
To ensure that your Referring Healthcare Practitioner can access radiology images and reports, these documents will be stored on our secure electronic database PACS (Picture Archiving Communication System). By accepting contracts / agreements, you give consent to have your information safely stored on PACS.
All information is treated confidentially. Diagnostic information will only be shared in relation to your diagnosis / treatment. Information will only be released with the patients / legal guardians written consent (child under the age of 12). For access to this information please send an e-mail to reception@caprad.co.za
You acknowledge that we are compelled to legally disclose personal information to the following entities:
To your medical scheme: a diagnostic code (ICD10) and details of the treatment and/or operation, in order to release funds from the correct allocated benefits. (e.g. day to day / medical savings / screening / oncology / PMB)
To referring healthcare practitioners: In terms of the National Health Act medical diagnostic information needs to be shared with relevant healthcare practitioners.
We keep / may use and / or share anonymized information to medical imaging companies / statistical institutions / sponsored pharmaceutical companies who analyse this data to track trends in healthcare services.
Medical schemes disclose all dependant’s information linked to the principal (main) member. We are not liable for any personal information disclosed due to the result of the scheme’s practices.
You confirm that you understand that in healthcare, results cannot be guaranteed. Results also depend on how one’s body reacts to the treatment and/or operations.
You confirm that you understand that your own behavior or that of a child or dependent may affect the outcome of the healthcare received. You agree to follow the instructions provided to you by the healthcare practitioners. By ignoring these instructions, you undertake to not hold the Practice and its staff liable for any negative consequence.
You confirm that you understand that, as a parent or legal guardian, you are legally liable to cover the cost of your child’s healthcare, even if the Children’s Act allows the child to provide consent to treatment without parental consent (children 12 – 18 years who understand the implications of the care/treatment).
The person responsible for payment of account regarding minors/divorced parents/guardians, will be the person signing our terms and conditions. If a dispute arises, it must be settled between the relevant parties / parents / legal guardians of the patient / minor. The person signing our agreement remains responsible.
You must adhere to the rules of the Practice and any instructions given to you by staff or healthcare practitioner.
You have the right to ask questions and to have them answered. Should no questions arise, the Practice will assume that you fully understand and all is in good standing.
You and/or your family or other persons that come to the Practice should not harass the healthcare practitioner and staff. They must be treated with respect. If not, we are allowed by law to refuse to undertake any procedure, radiology exam, or to continue to provide services to you or your dependents. In such cases we will refer you to another Practice.